Blood Cancer: What kind of types are there?

Blood cancer is one of the most common cancer types found out there.They are known to affect blood cells and bone marrow, changing the wayblood cell behaves. It is likely to create blood cells that don’t work as wellas they should in your bone marrow and lymphatic system. They all affect different types of white blood cells and they act in different ways.

As you may already know, there are three major types of blood cancer:




Thoroughly, Leukemia produces too much white cells that can’t fight infections and has four sub-categories, Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).

In ALL, too many lymphocytes get produced that kill of healthy white cells.In AML, myeloid cells that normally grow into healthy white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets, get reduced with diseases attacking your immune system. CLL, being very similar to AML, is the most common blood cancer in adults, but it grows slowly, so you can’t ready the signs on time. CML is also similar to AML, but cancer cells grow slowly and it is observed in people who are around masses of radiation.

Lymphoma is a lymph type of cancer attacking your lymph nodes, spleen,and thymus gland. Divided in two types, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, this type of blood cancer affects people with weak immune systems and ages 15 to 35 and over age 50.

The third blood cancer type is Myeloma, mainly affecting plasma cells, the cells that produce antibodies in bone marrow. Myeloma cells can harm your bones and eliminate your healthy cells until they take over the body and not being able to be extinguished by treatments anymore. It is usuallycalled multiple myeloma, because it can be located in many parts of the bone marrow.